50 Great Hunting Tips

When still-hunting, most of us don’t move slowly enough, or stay put long enough. Try using your watch as a guide. Decide on a period of time to stand still, such as five minutes. This way you’ll be forced to remain quiet and silent for a minimum amount of time, longer if necessary.

Here’s a saying I came up with to remind me of an animal’s terrific senses. “The sound of a snapped twig is quickly forgotten by the hunter, but long remembered by the quarry.” If you make an unusually loud noise, stop and stand there as long as you can if you suspect animals are close by. A deer might stand a long time and stare in your direction. If it doesn’t see or smell you, it might go back to feeding or whatever else it was doing before it was disturbed.

A deer is easily alerted to human cadence as we walk through noisy leaves. This might sound like a dumb idea, but try taking quick steps in a short sprint for 10 to 20 yards or so. Stop, and do it again. Keep your footfalls as light as possible; you’ll be surprised at how much you sound like a squirrel scrambling through the leaves.

When putting a drive together, we tend to place standers in front of and alongside the area being driven. If you have enough people in your party, position a stander in the rear where the drive originated. Deer will often wait for hunters to pass and then sneak back and run off in the opposite direction.



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Tips and Tactics for Hunting the West

Tips and Tactics for Hunting the West

Many hunters dream of stalking the wild reaches of the American West; of hearing a bull elk scream his challenge to the dawn, witnessing a magnificent mule deer buck silhouetted against the sky, and glassing pronghorn antelope on the high-desert plains. It’s a worthy dream, and if you’re one who possesses it you should do your best to bring it to fruition.

However, hunting the public lands of the West is no longer a simple endeavor. Unless you’re a wealthy person, rising costs and fierce competition for tags have, in many cases, relegated your chances to the turn of a lottery wheel. It’s not good, and the prognosis for the future isn’t pretty either. However, for the hunter with courage, resourcefulness and a bit of skill, opportunity still exists. Here’s how to begin turning your dreams into reality:


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