Everyone From Utah Should Take This One Awesome Vacation Before They Die

It seems to me that we often take for granted the very best things in our lives. If you were born and raised in Utah, you surely know about our five amazing national parks. Many Utahns take advantage of the breathtaking beauty and many recreation opportunities that our parks provide, but others put off their visits, figuring they’ll see the parks someday.

Our national parks are so incredible that people come from all over the world to see them! Every Utahn should do the same, and here’s a little secret. The best time to visit our parks isn’t in the summer, when the rest of the world is there. Instead, visit in the late winter or early spring. You’ll experience fewer crowds and enjoy more solitude.

I’ve organized this vacation from Arches to Zion, but of course you can start at the opposite end. You can spend as many days as you’d like in each park. I recommend that you allow at least one full day at each, though all of them offer enough to see and do that you could easily spend several days exploring..

The photos above represent just a few highlights from each of our national parks. Can you recommend other not-to-miss attractions?

source onlyinyourstate.com

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