National Geographic Named These 3 Oregon Volcanoes As Some Of The Most Dangerous In America

Oregon’s volcanoes recently earned a spot on National Geographic’s “Most Dangerous Volcanoes in America” list. The list was created by government experts who took into account various criteria, including scientific data, numerous research studies, and various other measures. Their findings might surprise you: three of the most dangerous volcanoes in the entire country are in Oregon. Read on to see which Oregon volcanoes made the list…

Have you visited any of these volcanoes before? Did you know about these three most dangerous volcanoes in Oregon? What do you think of National Geographic’s list? Share your thoughts and reactions with us in the comments below.

While these three volcanoes are certainly some scary places in Oregon, there’s so much more to the Beaver State than doom and gloom. In fact, Crater Lake, while home to one of the most dangerous volcanoes in Oregon, is also the most sublime place to stargaze in the PNW.

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