The Iconic Hotel In Colorado Is One Of The Coolest Place You’ll Ever Sleep

Do you like history? Do you ever like to pretend that you are living in the past? One great way to do that and really feel it is by visiting and staying in historic properties – especially historic hotels. The Delaware Hotel is an iconic hotel in Leadville, Colorado, that will make you feel like you’re stepping back in time 100 years ago or more. It was built by three brothers from Delaware – William, George, and John Callaway – who came to Leadville to make their fortune as merchants as gold seekers flocked to the area. Did they imagine that their hotel would still be hosting guests in the 21st century? Hard to say – but it does! Read on to learn more about this historic hotel.

The Delaware Hotel is an excellent choice if you are seeking accommodations in Leadville. Leadville, in general, is one of the most historic towns in the state – so you might as well stay in one of the most historic buildings in town while you’re there! You’ll love your visit to this iconic hotel in Leadville, Colorado. Have a great trip!

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